
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Baby Sniffles

Yesterday we hit a baby milestone. Hermione's first cold :( With the sudden drop in temperature and her first subway ride (to get her Passport!) I suppose it was bound to happen. A baby with the sniffles is a pretty sad sight, but my girl is quiet the trooper and has still been all smiles despite being under the weather. Luckily it has not really disrupted her days and nights too negatively. She just seems to want to nurse more (for comfort AND hydration), and is even cuddlier than ever.

There may be no cure for the common cold but I have discovered a few helpful things to make Hermione feel much better.

Saline Drops

Saline is great for loosening up mucus. I just lay Hermione on her back and squirt a few drops in each nostril to help get things moving!

Since most people do not master blowing their own nose until age 3, the NoseFrida is very helpful for snot sucking! Don't worry... there are little filters so you don't actually inhale any baby boogers!

California Baby Eucalyptus Ease Bubble Bath 

Hermione gets a bath every night before bed but last night I made it extra special with California Baby's Eucalyptus Bubble Bath. Instead of bathing her in her bathtub on the kitchen counter I got into my tub with her and filled it with soothing eucalyptus bubbles. I also steamed up the bathroom by running my shower for about 20 minutes with super hot water. Into the shower went even more eucalyptus bubble bath which made the whole bathroom into a soothing steam room that really helped relax her for bedtime.


Personal/Portable Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier

In order to keep Hermione's room moist overnight I put this little humidifier next to her crib. I like that is does not have complicated filters to change and many parts to clean!


Chamomile Tea

Yes, my baby drinks tea! Chamomile is as soothing for babies as it is for grownups. I brew a super weak cup, let it cool completely and give Hermione very small amounts in a medicine dropper. I have also been soaking a burp cloth in chamomile tea and freezing it for her to gnaw on which she loves!

Badger Balm 

Badger Balm is a great decongestant! I rub a small amount on Hermione's chest and the soles of her feet. Make sure to put little socks on Badger Balm'ed feet so none gets in baby's mouth (Hermione LOVES to eat her feet!)


Umcka Cold Care Original Drops

On the rare occasion that I get a cold I always take Umcka to shorten it's duration and severity. Since I am nursing our pediatrician suggested I take Umcka while Hermione has a cold so that it's benefits can be delivered to her via my milk. Herbal and homeopathic remedies are best given to babies via breast milk which allows your body to deliver a not too strong dose to your baby.


Echinacea and Goldenseal

Similar to Umcka I takes Echinacea and Goldenseal whenever I am under the weather. It helps boost my immune system and fight off colds. Hermione has been getting her dose via mommy!

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