
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

DIY Baby Toys for the non DIY type

DIY Baby Toys for the non DIY type


The weather in NYC today is glorious! It feels like spring is here after an incredibly long winter. I am told we are going to have one more round of snow on Thursday but for now I am soaking up the sunshine! I can't wait to put away my puffy coat and Hermione's little snowsuit for good!

The brutal winter kept us inside lots of days and I was forced to get creative, make that very creative with our playtime activities. Beyond cooking I am not at all a DIY type of gal so I was not about to come up with elaborate toys and games for Hermione. After all we like to keep it clean, pure and simple around here.

For all the details on the homemade toys and games Hermione and I enjoyed this winter head over to Elizabeth Street!



Mama and Me Freezer Cookies

Mama and Me Freezer Cookies

Milk Making Tips for Mamas