
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.




Since Hermione's arrival 14 (gasp!) months ago my Instagram feed has been mostly images of her and all of the amazing (walking!) and adorable (toothy smiles!) things she does every day. Being Hermione's mama is truly the best thing I have ever done in my life and I am proud to share her pictures with my social media followers.

Recently, Instagram has been deleting the accounts of mamas who post images of their nursing babies. Not just the "offending" image but their entire account. This horrifies me. Breastfeeding is a beautiful, natural thing and there is no reason it should be censored from social media. There is nothing sexual about a nursing baby at their mother's breast. It is nature at it's finest. Carrying, giving birth to, and nursing Hermione are amongst my proudest accomplishments. It is amazing to look at her and know that for the first part of her life she grew on my milk alone. My milk has made her strong and healthy and the countless hours we have spent nursing have bonded us deeply. I have nursed her in parks, at restaurants, in the bath, on airplanes, and countless other locations. I never use a nursing cover because I don't believe there is anything to cover up. A baby eating is truly beautiful and if someone does not want to see it they can look away!

If you agree that images of nursing moms should be allowed on Instagram head over to and sign this petition from the 4th Trimester Bodies Project .

In the meantime because this is MY site here are some of my most precious nursing moments with Hermione.

Cold Brew Season

Cold Brew Season

Daily Harvest

Daily Harvest