
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

All Natural Solution for the Frizzies! (and dry skin too)

All Natural Solution for the Frizzies! (and dry skin too)


Two years ago, when Doug and I announced to our friends and family we would be getting married in Mexico we got many varied responses. From “woo hoo tequila!” to “what’s wrong with the Plaza?” to “is Mexico safe?” we heard it all. However, the one comment I heard the most from my family (especially the female members) was “what I am supposed to do about my hair in the humidity?!”

I come from a long line of men and women with a tendency towards THE FRIZZIES. My entire life I have blow-dried, chemically straightened, and basically beaten my hair into submission. I no longer get my hair straightened or endure those Brazilian/Chocolate/Keratin/ what have you blowouts.  These days a little bit of “volume” is the lesser of two evils when it comes to what I dump on my scalp (and subsequently into my bloodstream)

Recently I discovered an amazing, natural solution to my hair dilemma. Argan oil. I originally bought a bottle to try as a face treatment and discovered it worked great on my hair! Seriously this stuff is rockin. I just put a little bit on my hair after I dry and style and it’s shiny and frizz free. For those days when I don’t feel like blow-drying I put a few drops on my wet hair  and it manages to dry into fairly decent  “bedhead-esque” waves.

Best part is argan oil is a serious multi-tasker. Berber women in Morocco have been using it for centuries to protect their skin from the harsh, hot and dry desert environment. I find a little on my face does wonders against New York City winter (mild as it may be so far this year).

Besides taming the frizzies and providing amazing moisture to your face argan oil has many uses:

Minimizes fine lines around your eyes

Heals blemishes, burns and reduces scaring

Conditions cuticles and strengthens nails

Full of antioxidants to neutralize free radicals

What a multi-tasker!

My personal favorite brand of argan oil (there are lots out there) is Kahina Giving Beauty. Kahina works with the Berber women who harvest the argan oil and gives back 25% of their profits to these poverty-stricken communities. The signatures of these women adorn the packaging of Kahina products as artwork. The bottles are made from recyclable violet glass and their paper and packaging comes from recycled materials. Kahina doesn’t use artificial fragrances, colorants, preservatives or parabens and are cruelty-free. My kind of company!

Next week I will truly be putting my argan oil to the test. We are headed to the beach to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. If the argan oil saves my hair from a constant pony tail or messy bun I will be thrilled! Stay tuned for pictures!

My Kind of Superbowl

My Kind of Superbowl

Red Velvet Pudding

Red Velvet Pudding