
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Moms Who Twerk

Moms Who Twerk

I like to break a deep sweat every day. If I don't get a hard workout in at least 6 days I week I feel off for the rest of the day. My workouts are sacred to me and are booked into my schedule like any other appointment. Without them I am just not myself. For me it goes beyond being fit, in shape and losing the last bits of that "baby body." My daily workout clear my head, give me an hour to myself, and make me feel strong and grounded.

Always up for trying new ways to get my sweat on, last week I headed to 305 Fitness with a few of my girlfriends. I had been hearing so many good things about this Miami inspired dance cardio class I had to check it out! 

305 Fitness has the coolest, fun vibe. From the moment you walk in you can feel the energy. From locker room to studio the entire place makes you feel empowered and unafraid to shake your booty!

Although I danced my entire childhood I am by no means proficient in club style dancing. There is a huge difference between ballet and twerking! I was a little nervous that I was going to fall on my face or feel like an idiot but our amazing teacher Symone immediatly put me at ease. She reminded us this was just for us, and to really let loose!

Between the club lighting and the live DJ we all had a so much fun and really got our sweat on. Even my trainer Missy who is usually a heavy weights kind of gal (that's why I adore her) had a blast!

I will definitely be heading back to 305. I am determined to nail those moves!


Spooky Reads

Spooky Reads

On Raising Daughters and Sexual Harassment

On Raising Daughters and Sexual Harassment