
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

What I Loved This Month

What I Loved This Month

November was filled with lots of family time for me between my sister’s wedding and Thanksgiving. While I love my family they are also complex and complicate which can lead to heightened emotions this time of year. Here are a few things I loved this month that helped keep me sane, happy, satiated, and feeling fancy.

I took myself to see this movie on an afternoon when I was feeling a bit down and it really lifted my spirits. I have to watch this documentary next!


I waited for this novel by the author of my all time favorite book for years and have been loving it. It is a true love letter to books and stories and the people who love them!

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A self professed skincare junkie I am always testing new products. My newest obsession is this overnight treatment that helps me wake up with the softest, glowing skin!

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This Thanksgiving I ordered all of our (vegan) pies from Miss American Pie in Brooklyn. They were incredible! I highly recommend them for all of your pie eating needs!

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I bought this skirt and it’s matching top for my sister’s wedding and have also styled it with a sweater for less dressy occasions!

What I'm Looking Forward to This Month

What I'm Looking Forward to This Month

Gratitude Where Least Expected

Gratitude Where Least Expected