
Hi. I'm Sara!

Welcome to Mercer + Green.
I am a born and bred New Yorker, mom of two little girls who loves
all things New York and is passionate about healthy living.

Earring Obsession

Earring Obsession


I got my ears pierced when I was around 12 years old at a Claire’s in a mall with a piercing gun. Since those original studs came out I was never really an earring person. Either they felt uncomfortable or something about the look of just one earring in each hole felt to precious to me. I would wear earrings to big events but never in my day to day life. Until recently!

Ear parties have been becoming a bigger and bigger trend and right after Christmas I got on board! I added a second hole to each of my ears and a third one in my right ear. Now that my piercing studs have come out I have been having so so much fun playing around with earring combinations! I mostly love delicate earrings that I can wear all day every day, there are so many good ones to chose from! I prefer a mix of studs and huggies in my first two holes and a climber in my third. Throw in an ear cuff on my cartilage and I am all set!

One of my favorite ear parties currently is the colorful one featured above. Here’s the breakdown:

First hole- rainbow huggie

Second hole- pink flower

Third hole- (right side only)- tiny flower

Mid ear- non pierced ear cuff ( a great alternative to getting a cartilage pierce!)


Because I love a good theme for Valentine’s Day I put together this combo that I will defiantly be repeating. Pink and hearts… my favorite!

First hole- open heart stud

Second hole- pink huggie

Third hole (right side only)- ombre pink climber

Here are some other earrings I either have or am loving and have my eye on to add to my ear party!!

Love this dramatic yet delicate stud/cuff combo!

These studs would look pretty in my second holes with this climber next to them!

I love these huggie charms! I have an “H” and a “P”

These star huggies are great for a first hole with these studs in the second and this climber in the third!

What I Loved This Month

What I Loved This Month

The Thing I am Still Working on After 9 Years of Marriage

The Thing I am Still Working on After 9 Years of Marriage